Am I Doing Enough?

Lily Johnson
2 min readOct 3, 2023
Photo of dirty kid foot by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Visiting five stores marks a major feat when I’m joined by two little feet.

Though her attitude sways, her gratitude displays the kind that I hope to repeat.

While she naps, I might rest. After laundry is best. Wait, the cat needs grooming as well.

Good grief, how she sheds, and I’m longing for bed, but alas, kids are hearing their bell.

More feet shuffle in, we chat and we giggle, and a crotchety toddler starts to play us like fiddles.

Pack lunches, more laundry, and gosh, what’s for dinner? I can’t hold her and do this; I feel like a sinner.

We dine and enjoy and clean up the mess. I scrub stinky kid toes and remain feeling blessed.

Just remembering their feet are so tiny now, but in no time, they won’t be, and I’ll wonder how.

Gosh my nieces are the sweetest little ones. And I promise to work hard to cherish these days and each of the other I get to spend time with them.

I spent an hour grooming our cat today…so much shedding!!! In the photo below she blocks a pile of laundry that needs to be folded…I better do that.

Thank you for reading!

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